Я прочитал и понял, что делает блок Try/Catch, и почему это важно для его использования. Но я застрял в понимании, когда и где их использовать. Любой совет? Я отправлю образец моего кода ниже в надежде, что у кого-то есть время, чтобы сделать некоторые рекомендации для моего примера.
public AMPFileEntity(string filename)
transferFileList tfl = new transferFileList();
_AMPFlag = tfl.isAMPFile(filename);
_requiresPGP = tfl.pgpRequired(filename);
_filename = filename.ToUpper();
_fullSourcePathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("sourcePath") + _filename;
_fullDestinationPathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("FTPStagePath") + _filename;
_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("originalsWhichHaveBeenPGPdPath");
public int processFile()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine(" ");
sb.AppendLine(" --------------------------------");
sb.AppendLine(" Filename: " + _filename);
sb.AppendLine(" AMPFlag: " + _AMPFlag);
sb.AppendLine(" Requires PGP: " + _requiresPGP);
sb.AppendLine(" --------------------------------");
sb.AppendLine(" ");
string str = sb.ToString();
if (_AMPFlag)
if (_requiresPGP == true)
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file does not require encryption. Moving file to FTPStage directory.");
if (File.Exists(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + " alreadyexists. Archiving that file.");
if (File.Exists(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive"))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive already exists. Overwriting it.");
File.Delete(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive");
File.Move(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename, _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive");
File.Move(_fullSourcePathAndFilename, _fullDestinationPathAndFilename);
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file is not an AMP transfer file. Skipping this file.");
return (0);
private int encryptFile()
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file requires encryption. Starting encryption process.");
// first check for an existing PGPd file in the destination dir. if exists, archive it - otherwise this one won't save. it doesn't overwrite.
string pgpdFilename = _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + ".PGP";
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(pgpdFilename + " already exists in the FTPStage directory. Archiving that file." );
if(File.Exists(pgpdFilename + "_archive"))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(pgpdFilename + "_archive already exists. Overwriting it.");
File.Delete(pgpdFilename + "_archive");
File.Move(pgpdFilename, pgpdFilename + "_archive");
Process pProc = new Process();
pProc.StartInfo.FileName = "pgp.exe";
string strParams = @"--encrypt " + _fullSourcePathAndFilename + " --recipient infinata --output " + _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + ".PGP";
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("Encrypting file. Params: " + strParams);
pProc.StartInfo.Arguments = strParams;
pProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
pProc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
//now that it been PGPd, save the orig in 'hasBeenPGPd' dir
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("PGP encryption complete. Moving original unencrypted file to " + _hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename);
if(File.Exists(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd"))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd already exists. Overwriting it.");
File.Delete(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd");
File.Move(_fullSourcePathAndFilename, _hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd");
return (0);